Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Which solicitors Leeds to help me claim compensation following a car accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be eligible for compensation. Whether you were driving the car, were a passenger or were a pedestrian you have the right to claim car accident compensation for medical expenses, any loss of income (including lost potential future income) and other expenses directly related to the accident.

At Northone Solicitors we specialise in all types of compensation claims including those linked to a car accident. If you have been injured or suffered any financial losses due to an accident that wasn’t your fault in the past three years you should call us to discuss whether we can help you get the compensation you deserve. If you had an accident more than three years ago but the injury or losses have only been discovered on the last three years, you could also be eligible for compensation.

Whatever your circumstances, don’t suffer in silence and don’t allow someone else’s error to cost you. Get in touch today and take the first step to getting what is rightfully yours.